
My thoughts right now

I was looking at my blog just now, and I realized, i must be a very angry person! oh my goodness. plus all my recent pictures on facebook, seriously, i'm so serious! well, i didn't think i was, but seeing as that is what the evidence presents, it must be true. hmm. That is something i need to do better at. when i'm with people i'm comfortable with, i have to trouble being happy, but when I'm with people i really don't care for, i tend to be rude, onry and inconsiderate. That would be a good new year's resolution. Of course, i have a hard time with goals. you see, i hate setting them, and hate even more the fact that i have a goal that i have to complete. (there's a lot of hate going around here, but it's true) I honestly don't like doing things because i have to. maybe i'm just a spoiled brat and i need to just buck up and do it (probably). Anyway. my other new year's goals include filling one of my journals. (it's not the biggest one, and it's almost half full now, but i've got to start somewhere.) Yup. I think those are good goals. i've got more, but to explain them in this blog would make this entirely too long. :). anyway. that's my thoughts right now. thanks for reading :) happy birthday!

1 comment:

R said...

So does that mean when you're a jerk to me, you don't care for me?
Ha ha. I know you love me; don't deny it. ;D And, you should keep those goals...it's good for ya. Amen.

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